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深泽直人与他的「无意识设计」。Naoto Fukasawa: Design without Thought.

在工业设计的领域,日本设计师深泽直人算得上大师中的大师。他曾获得过包括美国 IDEA 金奖、德国 IF 金奖、「红点」设计奖、英国 D&AD 金奖、日本优秀设计奖等五十多项大奖。深泽直人最著名的设计理念就是「无意识设计」,也可以叫做「直觉设计」,讲究将无意识的行为转化为可见之物。Naoto Fukasawa, the Japanese designer, master of industrial design masters, has been honored as winner of over 50 design awards including IDEA Gold Award, IF Gold Award, Red Dot Design Award, D & AD Gold Award, Good Design Award, etc.. Naoto Fukasawa is best known for his Without Thought Design Theory, also known as intuitive design, i.e. the practice of transforming thoughtless acts into tangible artifacts.
关注细节,关注感情,因而才会把我们生活无意识的细节转化为产品设计,正是这些不起眼的细节,才会成就伟大的产品,打动用户的心。Only with keen attention to details and feelings can thoughtless daily trivia contribute to product designs. Focus on those little details is exactly what makes great products considerate to please customers.

广岛椅(hiroshima chair):坐上去,能感受到乌冬面般介于韧性与弹性之间的感受,是深泽直人设计广岛椅的初衷。广岛椅选用优质木材,经过精心打磨,配上柔软的坐垫,给人一种温润细腻的感觉。要做到简单舒适,并不是一件简单的事情。Hroshima Chair: Naoto Fukasawa designs this chair to create for the seated a feeling of enjoying udon, boasting both strength and elasticity. Hiroshima Chair, made of well chosen and polished woods and soft cushions, builds for the seated a gentle and exquisite feeling. It’s by no means simple to make it simple.

护眼台灯(ITIS desk lamp):90°上下升降,180°灯体旋转,是这款金属灯最实在的地方。整体设计“少”到极致,却在功能上“多”到极致,这是深泽直人从另一个角度阐述他的设计理念:多即时少,少即是多。ITIS desk lamp: 90° up-down movement and 180° rotation is the most practical highlight of the metal lamp. Utmost simplification of the overall design and optimization of functions is an expression of Naoto Fukasawa’s design theory in a different way: more is less while less is more.

带凹槽的雨伞: 许多老人习惯在走路时用雨伞代替拐杖,若是再拎着其他东西呢?或许可以把东西挂在这把伞的凹槽处。Umbrella with grooves:Lots of aged people are used to walk with umbrellas instead of canes, but what if they’re taking with them something else? Maybe hang them at the grooves.

日本的设计中,因为禅宗思想的融入,使得产品本身凸显深幽与灵性,它以“象外之象、意外之意”表现出一种深幽的空灵境界。深泽便是抓住了日本禅宗的精髓,他的每一件设计作品都堪称是与日本禅宗思想巧妙结合的典型实例。他认为简单的优于复杂的,幽静的胜过喧闹的,轻巧的强过笨重的。In Japanese designs, the integration of Zen thoughts makes the product itself full of profoundness and intelligence, presenting a serene and ethereal state by “Image beyond images, sense beyond sences”. It is Naoto Fukasawa who, by grabbing the essence of Japanese Zen, designs each and every piece of his works into a classic with the artistic immersion of Japanese Zen. He believes that the simple is superior to the complicated, the quiet superior to the noisy and the handy superior to the clumsy.

很多认识深泽直人的同行都给予了他很高的评价。米德莱顿曾评价:“他相当激情地将工业设计和互动设计融合得天衣无缝,想法既简单又神奇,而他的关注点在于创造的事物与周围的环境相和谐。”设计师康斯坦丁·格里克Konstantin Grcic评价:“深泽直人有着能将复杂变成简单、丑陋变成漂亮、陈旧变成崭新的魔力,他可以亲吻一只青蛙而让她变成公主。”Many acquainted with Naoto Fukasawa speak highly of him. Meral Middleton once said “he perfectly matched the industrial design & interactive design in a passionate way, his ideas are simple yet amazing whereas the harmony between the design and its surrounding environment is his focus”. Designer Konstantin Grcic commented “Naoto Fukasawa has this magic to make the complicated simple, the ugly beautiful and the old-fashioned up-to-date, he can kiss a frog and thus turn her into a princess”.

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