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Nendo,佐藤大说设计。Talks about Design: Oki Sato of Nendo

Oki Sato是出生在加拿大的日本裔设计师,毕业于东京 Waseda大学建筑学专业。而后在东京创办了nendo工作室。1977年出生与加拿大多伦多2002年硕士毕业于东京早稻田大学建筑系,同年在东京创立自己的设计公司——nendo。2005年nendo米兰工作室成立。Oki Sato, the Canada-born Japanese designerborn in Toronto in 1977, established his own design company Nendo Studio in Tokyo after graduating with a master’s degree in architecture from Waseda University in 2002. In 2005, the Nendo Milan Studio was founded.

Nendo, a studio founded by Japanese designer Oki Sato in 2002 providing service in an extensive range of fields, has officesin both Tokyo and Milan. It has been honored, besides numerous awards in design,as one of the “Top 100 Most Popular Company Global” and the founder Oki Satohas been named as the “100 Most Respected Japanese" by Newsweek magazine among others, playing an active role around the world.

「将一块木头劈开弯折,不仅使其有了特别的造型美,也满足功能。」“Chop wood and splinter it apart, endow it with unique and beautiful style and practical functions.”

「生活中处处隐藏着意外与惊喜,只是他们往往可能在你内心深处沉睡着。」“Surprises, though hidden unexpectedly everywhere in life, may often lie in slumber deep in your mind.”

「当我在设计作品之前,第一步一定是画出草图,因为倘若在3D 原型制作或测试阶段出错时,我便可以立刻找到先前的手绘稿,进行修正的工作。」“For me, the first step of design shall definitely be drawing up the draft. So I could resort to freehand draft and make some revision immediately if something goes wrong during 3D prototypingand test phase.”

「我的灵感都从百无聊赖的日常生活、例行公事等小细节开始,而且越小越好,小到钻进人们的脑袋与情绪里。」“My inspirations are often derived from boring daily routines, trivia and small details. The smaller the better, because mostly small things are slim enough to find their way into people’s mind and emotion.”

「设计是让事物变得更好。我不认为设计可以改变世界,设计没有这么大的力量。因为我认为设计是解决小问题、让生活变得更好一点、更舒适些,让人们能够发自内心微笑,这是我认为设计存在的理由。」“Designs are done to make things better. Idon’t think design could change the world. Design is not that powerful. Designin my mind is to offer solutions to minor problems and make life better andcozier, make people smile from the inside. I suppose that’s why design exists.”

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